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Bhuana Formation
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Bhuana Fm base reconstruction

Bhuana Fm

Permian, Triassic

Age Interval: 
Permian and Triassic

NW.India Rajastan-Jaisalmer Basin

Type Locality and Naming

SUBSURFACE. Lunar Well. Maximum thickness recorded is 707m in Bhuana Well. [Original Publication: Misra, P.C., Singh, N.P., Sharma, D.C., Upadhyay, H., Kakroo, A.K. and Saini, M.L. 1993. Lithostratigraphy of West Rajasthan basins, ONGC report (Unpublished)]. Reference well: Well Lunar-1, interval 2220-2751.5 m

Synonyms: The entire Permo-Triassic sequence was first designated by Dasgupta (1974) as the Karampur Fm for the Permian Sequence and the Shumarwali Fm for the Triassic sequence but lithologically there is no break to justify two formations; as a result, Misra et.al. (1993) introduced a new name the Bhuana Formation after the name of the area where it was encountered first in the sub-surface while drilling.

Lithology and Thickness

Clayey sandstone. The formation recorded in the type area Bhuana well is represented by sandstone with intercalations of claystone and shale. The sandstone is grey to greyish white, at places brownish white, medium- to coarse-grained, occasionally argillaceous and pyritic. In upper part, sandstone is generally pinkish white to pink and even purple colored, fine- to medium-grained, moderately hard to friable. The intercalated shales are grey to brownish grey, at places greenish grey, fissile, splintery, pyritic with occasional presence of carbonaceous matter. Clay is variegated with shades of pink, brick red, yellow and moderately hard to soft.

[Figure 1: Stratotype of Bhuana Formation, Mesozoic Lithostratigraphy of the Jaisalmer Basin, Rajasthan, Journal of the Paleontological Society of India, Vol. 51(2) (after Singh N.P, 2006)]

Lithology Pattern: 
Clayey sandstone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Major unconformity: A clastic sequence associated with shale of the formation rests directly on greenish, grey schists and phyllites of Precambrian age indicating a major hiatus from Cambrian to Permian.

Upper contact

Conformable with the overlying Lathi Fm. This boundary is settled between pinkish white, fine to medium grained sandstone and claystone of the Bhuana Fm and grey coarse to medium grained ill-sorted sandstone and shale sequence of overlying Lathi Fm.

Regional extent

[Figure 2: Stratigraphic Correlation of Rajasthan Basins (from dghindia.gov.in)]




The formation is devoid of microfauna. However, various species of palynoflora have been recorded from the sediments of wells Shumarwali Talai-2 and Bhuana-1 (Lukose and Misra, 1980).


Permian and Triassic (From 272 to 201Ma)

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

The formation seems to have deposited in fluvial to shallow marine environment. Lukose and Misra (Ibid) have interpreted marine and non-marine sequences based on the presence and absence of microplanktons.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


D.S.N Raju